新竹(紅糟)肉圓 XinZhu (Red Fermented Rice) Meat Pie

材料 Ingredient
Q軟肉圓皮 Batter for Taiwanese Meat Pie (Firm Texture) 1 份 portion
紅糟肉餡Red Fermented Rice Marinated Meat Filling 1 份 portion
食用油 Cooking oil少許 little
台灣小吃沾醬 Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks 隨意 As desired
香菜 Cilantro 隨意 As desired

4.蒸籠裡水燒開。 將肉圓放進蒸籠裡用大火蒸20分鐘。

< Procedure:
1.Prepare the Red Fermented Rice Marinated Meat Filling. Store it in a refrigerator for at least 12 hours to allow the mixture to fully absorb the marinade.
2. Prepare the Batter for Taiwanese Meat Pie.
3.Wear plastic gloves on both hands. Spread little oil on the gloves. Place 2 tbs of the batter on one palm, then use the other hand to form the batter to a round disk. Place a proper amount of the meat filling on the batter disk. Then cover the filling with a proper amount of the batter. Use your hand to seal the two layers of batter together, then roll the batter between your palms to form a ball. Put the ball on a piece of parchment paper. Repeat this step for the rest of the batter and filling. This recipe is for approx. 20 meat pies.
4.Bring the water in a steamer to a boil. Place the meat pies in the steamer and steam them at high heat for 20 minutes.
5.When the meat pies cool down, cover them with a little oil and place them in a plastic bag or container. Store them in a refrigerator. Reheat the meat pies in a steamer or cook them in low temperature oil.
6.Serve the meat pies with Dipping Sauce for Taiwanese Snacks and cilantro.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/30/2013©
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